Optional Textbook: Weir and Vincent (2021); Required ebook: Navarro and Foxcroft (2022)

Week1 Date2 Reading3 Assignments4

Wk01 Jan 26 Course Introduction (Online via Zoom) Read and study the Syllabus

WK02 Feb 2 Introduction to jamovi & Data Collection Lab 1

WK03 Feb 9 Introduction to Statistics and Measurement Quiz; Major Takeaways

WK04 Feb 16 Organizing and Displaying Data
Quizzes; Major Takeaways

WK05 Feb 23 Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Variability
Quizzes; Major Takeaways; Lab 2

WK06 Mar 2 Fundamentals of Inferential Statistical
Quiz; Major Takeaways

WK07 Mar 9 Correlation and Bivariate Regression Quiz; Major Takeaways

WK08 Mar 16 Multiple Correlation and Multiple Regression Quiz; Major Takeaways; Lab 3

WK09 Mar 23 Spring Recess Take a rest!

WK10 Mar 30 Exam 15 Refer to Canvas

WK11 Apr 6 The Student’s t-test Quiz; Major Takeaways

WK12 Apr 13 One-way Analysis of Variance Quiz; Major Takeaways; Lab 4

WK13 Apr 20 Analysis of Variance With Repeated Measures Quiz; Major Takeaways

WK14 Apr 27
Factorial Analysis of Variance: Between-Between
Quiz; Major Takeaways

WK15 May 4
Factorial Analysis of Variance: Between-Within, Within-Within
Quiz; Major Takeaways; Lab 5

WK16 May 11 Final Review Quiz; Major Takeaways

Final’s Week May 18
5:30PM - 7:30PM
Redwood Hall 276
Exam 26 Refer to Canvas
Navarro, Danielle J, and David R Foxcroft. 2022. Learning Statistics with Jamovi: A Tutorial for Psychology Students and Other Beginners (Version 0.75). Danielle J. Navarro and David R. Foxcroft. https://doi.org/10.24384/HGC3-7P15.
Weir, Joseph P., and William J. Vincent. 2021. Statistics in Kinesiology. Human Kinetics. https://us.humankinetics.com/products/statistics-in-kinesiology-5th-edition-with-web-resource.


  1. The schedule is subject to change.↩︎

  2. Class Dates: Aug 29, 2022 - Dec 12, 2022↩︎

  3. Students are expected to read and study the assigned chapters prior to attending each class meeting.↩︎

  4. Quizzes and Major Takeaways assignments are due before class; other assignment are due after class.↩︎

  5. Covers all previously covered topics.↩︎

  6. Covers mainly topics presented after Exam 1.↩︎