KIN 377: Motor Learning

KIN 377 is a course I teach at California State Northridge. The course is offered through the Department of Kinesiology and is required by all KIN majors. In addition to fall and spring semesters, KIN 377 is offered through Tseng College during the winter and summer.

Course description

Study of principles, theories, and research evidence regarding the nature of motor performance and learning with particular emphasis on factors that impact learning a skill through practice.


If you’re having trouble finding what you need for this course, be sure to check out the Canvas page. It might have the resources you’re looking for!

Getting Started

To get started, read and study the syllabus for the section you are enrolled (either fully online or face-to-face)1. The course sequence is presented below.

Required textbook:[1]

Week Date2 Study Content3 Assignments
WK01 Jan 22-28 Intro to Course & Survival Skills Read and study the Syllabus + Appendices
WK02 Jan 29-Feb 4 Ch01: The classification of motor skills Quiz
WK03 Feb 5-11 Ch11: Defining and assessing learning Quiz
WK04 Feb 12-18 Ch12: The stages of learning Quiz
WK05 Feb 19-25 Ch14: Demonstration and verbal instructions Quiz
WK06 Feb 26-Mar 3 Exam 1 LT-Update 1
WK07 Mar 4-10 Ch15: Augmented feedback Quiz
WK08 Mar 11-17 Ch16: Practice variability Quiz
WK09 Mar 18-24 Spring Break
WK10 Mar 25-31 Ch17: The amount & distribution of practice Quiz
WK11 Apr 1-7 Ch18: Whole and part-practice
WK12 Apr 8-14 Exam 2 LT-Update 2
WK13 Apr 15-21 Ch09: Attention
WK14 Apr 22-28 Ch10: Memory Components, Forgetting, and Strategies Quiz
WK15 Apr 29-May 5 Ch13: Transfer of learning Quiz
WK16 May 6-12 Exam 3 LT-Update 3
Final’s Week May 11-17 Finish and submit the reflection paper
Record and submit the performance video
(Refer to Appendices A, B, C)
Finish and submit assignments

Section 18905 meets online (via Zoom) on Tuesdays AND on campus (Jacaranda 3510) on Thursdays from 12:30-1:45 p.m.

1. Magill, R. A., & Anderson, D. (2020). Motor learning and control: Concepts and applications. McGraw-Hill Education.


  1. Section 18905 meets online (via Zoom) on Tuesdays AND on campus (Jacaranda 3510) on Thursdays from 12:30-1:45 p.m.↩︎

  2. Section 18905 meets online (via Zoom) on Tuesdays AND on campus (Jacaranda 3510) on Thursdays from 12:30-1:45 p.m.↩︎

  3. Exams are not cumulative.↩︎