Week 5: Descriptive Statistics

KIN 610 - Spring 2023

Dr. Ovande Furtado Jr



Descriptive Stats

  • Measures of central tendency
  • Measures of variability
  • Tables and graphs


Measure Symbol
Mean (population) \(\mu\)
Mean (sample) \(\bar{x}\)
Median \(med\)
Mode \(mode\)
Range \(R\)
Interquartile Range \(IQR\)
Variance (population) \(\sigma^2\)
Variance (sample) \(s^2\)
Standard Deviation (population) \(\sigma\)
Standard Deviation (sample) \(s\)

Measures of Central Tendency

The Mean

  • The mean is the most commonly used measure of central tendency in Kinesiology research.
  • It is the arithmetic average of a data set.
  • Calculated by adding up all the values and dividing by the total number of values.

Why Mean?

  • The mean considers all the values in a data set.
  • Sensitive to small changes in the data.
  • Appropriate for continuous (normal) data

Limitations of Mean

  • Not always the most appropriate measure of central tendency.
  • Extreme outliers or skewed data can influence the mean.

# Generate a gamma distributed random variable
x <- rgamma(n = 1000, shape = 2, rate = 1)

# Create a skewed distribution by taking the square root of the gamma variable
y <- sqrt(x)

# Plot the histogram of the skewed distribution
hist(y, breaks = 20, col = "lightblue", main = "Skewed Distribution")

Median as an alternative

  • If data are continuous but deviating from normality
  • The median is not as sensitive to extreme values as the mean.
  • Appropriate with skewed data or data with outliers.
set.seed(123)  # for reproducibility

# Generate 1000 samples from a chi-squared distribution with 2 degrees of freedom
x <- rchisq(1000, df = 2)

# Plot the histogram of x
hist(x, breaks = 20, col = "skyblue", main = "Badly skewed distribution")

Calculating the Mean - Steps

  • Add up all the values in the dataset.
  • Count the number of observations in the dataset.
  • Divide the total sum by the number of observations.

Calculating the Mean - Example

Data set: 12.5, 10.8, 11.2, 13.1, 12.9, 11.7, 12.3

  • Step 1: 12.5 + 10.8 + 11.2 + 13.1 + 12.9 + 11.7 + 12.3 = 84.5
  • Step 2: 7
  • Step 3: 84.5 / 7 = 12.07 seconds

Calculating the Mean - Equation

\[ \bar{x} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i \]

where, \(n\) is the total number of values in the set, \(x_i\) is the \(i\)th value in the set, and \(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\) represents the sum of all the values from \(i=1\) to \(i=n\).

Displaying data1


# Create a data frame with 3 group means
group_means <- data.frame(group = c("Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3"),
                          mean = c(10, 15, 12))

# Create a bar chart with custom colors and labels
ggplot(group_means, aes(x = group, y = mean, fill = group)) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#FFA07A", "#87CEEB", "#90EE90")) +  # custom colors
  labs(title = "Comparison of Group Means in Kinesiology",
       x = "Groups", y = "Mean Values")


  • Definition of Median
  • Median is not influenced by extreme values
  • Median may not be as sensitive to small changes in the data as the mean
  • Both case below the median is 7
  • data1: 1, 3, 7, 7, 8, 99
  • data2: 1, 3, 7, 7, 8, 9

Median Calculation

  • First step is arranging the data in order of magnitude
  • Median is the middle value if the number of observations is odd
  • Median is the average of two middle values if the number of observations is even
  • Use of median when data contains extreme values or is ordinal
  • Helps to understand the group’s typical value or performance
  • Example in the next slide


  • Definition of Mode
  • Mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a data set
  • Mode is often used with categorical or nominal data

Mode Calculation

  • Identify the value or category that occurs most frequently in the data set
  • Helps researchers identify the most common value or category in a data set

Comparison table

Measure of Central Tendency Definition Calculation Usefulness
Mean The average of a set of numbers Sum of values divided by number of values Useful for data that are normally distributed and have no extreme values
Median The middle value in a set of numbers Order values and find the middle value Useful for data with extreme values or that are not normally distributed
Mode The value that occurs most frequently in a set of numbers Identify the value that appears most often Useful for categorical or nominal data

Measures of Variability


  • Understanding how much individual data points in a data set vary from one another
  • Types: variance, standard deviation, range, and interquartile range
  • Importance
    • understanding data sets

    • can help researchers understand the precision and accuracy of their results

    • to draw meaningful conclusions


  • Difference between the largest and smallest values in a data set
  • Limitations of range due to sensitivity to outliers or extreme values
  • Caution in interpreting the range especially when there are outliers
  • The need to use range in conjunction with other measures of variability

Calculating Range

  • Use of jamovi to obtain the minimum and maximum values for a data set
  • Calculation of the range by subtracting the minimum from the maximum value

Interquartile Range

  • Definition of interquartile range as a measure of variability that is less sensitive to outliers
  • Use of quartiles to divide a data set into four equal parts
  • Calculation of interquartile range as the difference between the upper and lower quartiles
  • Importance of interquartile range in providing information about the range of the middle 50% of the data

Calculating Interquartile Range

  • Calculation: Q3 - Q1
  • Interpretation: the range between the first quartile and the third quartile
  • Advantages: Resistant to outliers
  • Disadvantages: Not sensitive to extreme values that fall outside the range of the interquartile


\(s^2 = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i-\bar{x})^2}{n-1}\)

  • Interpretation: A measure of how much the data deviates from the mean
  • Advantages: Widely used and well known
  • Disadvantages: Can be sensitive to outliers

Standard Deviation

  • Calculation: \(s = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i - \bar{x})^2}{n-1}}\)
  • Interpretation: A measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values from the mean
  • Advantages: Widely used and well known
  • Disadvantages: Can be sensitive to outliers; more difficult to interpret than the range or IQR

Coefficient of Variation

  • Calculation: CV = \(\frac{s}{\bar{x}} \times 100%\)
  • Interpretation: A measure of the relative variation or dispersion of a data set, particularly useful for comparing the variability of data sets with different units or scales
  • Advantages: Allows for comparison of the relative variability of data sets with different scales or units
  • Disadvantages: Not suitable for data sets with negative or zero mean values

Comparing Measures of Variability

  • It is essential to consider the characteristics of the data and the research question when comparing measures of variability.
  • Range and IQR are useful for non-normally distributed data or when identifying outliers.
  • Variance and standard deviation are useful for normally distributed data and can provide more information about the spread of the distribution.
  • Coefficient of variation is suitable for comparing the spread of two sets of data with different units.

Comparison table

Measure of Variability Calculation Interpretation Advantages Disadvantages
Range Maximum value - Minimum value The spread of the data from the smallest to the largest value Easy to understand Sensitive to outliers
Interquartile Range Q3 - Q1 The range between the first quartile and the third quartile Resistant to outliers Not sensitive to extreme values that fall outside the range of the interquartile
Variance \(s^2 = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i-\bar{x})^2}{n-1}\) A measure of how much the data deviates from the mean Widely used and well known Can be sensitive to outliers
Standard Deviation \(s = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i - \bar{x})^2}{n-1}}\) A measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values from the mean Widely used and well known Can be sensitive to outliers; more difficult to interpret than the range or IQR

Using jamovi

  • Open jamovi, click Exploration, then Descriptives
  • Move DVs under Variables and IVs under Split by
  • Select Variables across rows under Descriptives (horizontal format)
  • jamovi will create a Descriptives Table - see next slide.

Descriptives Table


  • Descriptive statistics help in summarizing and describing a dataset’s features.
  • Measures of variability are used to understand how spread out the data is.
  • The range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation are measures of variability that have their advantages and disadvantages.
  • The choice of measure depends on the characteristics of the data and the research question.

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